Monday, June 27, 2005

The winning finally kicks off

I was up in Glastonbury to attend Raj's daughter 3rd year birthday anniversary party last Sunday. We were scheduled for a match against Cognizant later that day. Naugatuck was 40 miles west and I was hoping that we should start off by having to bat first. Yes, no-one was happy to stay outside on a 3-digit fahrenheit scale. We did win the toss and posted 98 on the board. Having them defeated by a margin of 20 runs, I must say that there is a lot to improve finally. I tend to think that cricket is the greatest thing GOD ever created on earth - certainly greater than sex, although sex isnt too bad either. Erik was right, its all about that fucking commitment.

1 comment:

Christian said...

Commitment is everything. Fail to finish the job and everyone is dissapointed -- and you get no repeat bussiness